TDAstats 0.4.0 2018-11-05

Bug Fixes

  • previous vignettes did not have citations and references section working properly; this has been fixed


  • added standardize parameter to calculate_homology and functionality to standardize point cloud size
  • added limit.num parameter to phom.dist and functionality to consider only “significant” topological features


  • code coverage has been increased
  • added support for distance matrix format for calculate_homology
  • vignette has been added showing use of new distance matrix format
  • phom.dist function to compare persistent homology of two point clouds/matrices

TDAstats 0.3.0 2018-08-05

Bug fixes

  • fixed bug in plot_persist where setting a shorter axis limit would cause the reference diagonal to disappear (thank you, @corybrunson)


  • changing size of plot_persist output figures still preserves one-to-one length ratio of horizontal and vertical axes (fixed coordinate system; thank you, @corybrunson)

TDAstats 0.2.0 Unreleased

Bug fixes

  • fixed bug in permutation_test function that resulted in NAs in output
  • fixed naming clash with index_t in C++ code; should make TDAstats compatible with Solaris systems


  • added dim parameter to permutation_test function to allow users to select maximum dimension for homology comparison


  • added automated testing using testthat package
  • 4 sample datasets for users to learn/test TDAstats (and probably to follow future vignettes): unif2d, unif3d, circle2d, sphere3d
  • added 2 vignettes introducing features of TDAstats to user through text and a case study

TDAstats 0.1.0 2018-07-20

  • This is the first release of TDAstats.